
Hyep.. dearest stalker. Welcome here. Thanks a lot for visited my ugly personal web page. This blogs actually being from 2011. But not active yet. Around last year, nothing post i create yet, because me to busy a lot of assigment and plus with dieases "malas" that control my bodies.Haha.. i'm still studing  to get my diploma's my certificate. lalala,, 

Just make somethings new ^^ this blogs changed to thame like this. hundred percents edit by me. Also take time lah, nak finish all make over this website. when assigment, internet connection, and time too jealousy with me. brrr... but must remember "Sabar itu separuh daripada iman" haha.. i wish i have more time too spend more too sit here. 

i was born at Kulai Hospitality, Johor. Where?? not important la :p Date make me special to being human in this world, (khalifah Allah) second daughter for mum and dad, Sister for my siblings, Busniess Women to be one day in sha Allah is 2 Disember 199?  Very proud to be me and only me. Uniqe and weird girls atitude make me special. "tak payah la nak jadi org lain. Jadi diri sendiri more better right?" thats way Allah jadikan humans have own advantages and disadvantages. 

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